EGR: Secret Ingredient Crispies

A few months ago, I spied new gluten-free Rice Krispies- cool!  At last, we can make the very traditional, fabulous rice crispy treats, glee style!  It's super easy (the recipe's on the box), but we have a secret ingredient that takes it from just supers scrumptious to insanely, addictively yummy: peanut butter!

Melt 3 Tbsp butter and 1/4 cup peanut butter over low in a bit pot:

Once melted, add a package of marshmallows and stir constantly, still over low:
Once that's all melted, add 6 cups of gluten-free Rice Krispies and stir it all together:

Gently scoop out the mixture into a pan, but be careful not to squish it down (otherwise, it becomes really dense and tough).

Enjoy!  Caution: these are so delicious that you won't be able to stop munching, even when the roof of your mouth has been scraped raw by the raspy little crispies!  Guess that's a sign of something tasty!

P.S. Here's the best part: THE LICKIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I love the lickies from the pot and the spatula!
