Today's To-Do List

Hello all!  It's been six whole days since we've had the chance to chat, and I've missed being in Mersydotes land!  Mr. Mersydotes and I have just returned from a wee vacation, and today I have quite a little "to-do list".  Would you like to join me as I check off my tasks?

1. First, I need to soak in a nice warm bath to relax the "creaky bones".  And what has appeared in the bathroom?  Why, it's homemade bath salts!

It is so simple to make them (link here), as all you need is Epsom salts, baking soda, sea salt, and essential oils.  My favorite sent is a combination of grapefruit and peppermint- delish!

2. Next, I need to box up the first batch of dried mint from the garden- all set to make some delicious tea!  Mr. Mersydotes loves mint tea, and it always reminds me of rainy cafes in Morocco.

3. The crocheted fruit that I'm working on are finished, but they need some little seeds embroidered on them for the appropriate verisimilitude.  Green seeds for the strawberries, and black seeds for the watermelon place mats.

4. Throughout the day, I'll be working on some embroidered dish towels that I've started.  My mom used to make the prettiest embroidered pillow cases when I was little, and this reminds me so much of growing up.  I think they're pretty cute too!

5. Finally, we come to Penny's to-do list.  There is only one item on it: cuddle up on Mama's almost finished crochet blanket and rest and relax and luxuriate!

Ta-ta for now!
