A Little Treasure

At the beginning of the summer, I had the best of intentions to grow a lush and utopic garden that provided all sorts of glorious produce.  But then the drought and the heatwave hit, and a lot of my plants either died or started to produce sick veggies.  At first, my two little strawberry plants gave me high hopes because they were called the "ever-bearing" variety and promised to produce berries throughout the season.  And, in fact there were a few at the very beginning of June, but no sooner had I spied the tiny red teardrops hanging from the leaves, than the little sparows came and ate them up.  Then, with the severity of the summer, one of th plants completely died, and it was all I could do to keep the other one alive with only a few brown leaves around the base. 

So imagine my wonder and joy when I noticed these this morning!

It looks like there will be strawberries after all, this summer!  And the fact that they had to survive the drought will make them all the more sweet!
