Yarnscapade #4: Vogue Knitting Live, New York City

When I woke up yesterday morning, it was hailing outside, and Mr. Mersydotes was fighting a terrible head cold.  So I got him all snuggled up with tea and blankets and Penny and decided to pop out for some fresh air.  Where's a girl to go in this big ol' city?  How about the Vogue Knitting Live Expo that was being held this weekend?!

A very long metro ride later, I emerged into Times Square, and immediately wanted to go back home- it was crazzzzzy crowded!  So I scuttled off to find the conference center and breathed a sigh of relief once inside.  I just got a ticket to the Marketplace and enjoyed wandering around for a few hours of color-filled yarny inspiration.  Would you like to see?

And in the foyer areas outside of the market, there were so many beautiful exhibits by fiber artists.  I tried to take pictures of their work, but the light wasn't very good, and my photos are quite grainy- sorry!  I hope you enjoy the atmosphere nevertheless!

I really enjoyed this needle-felted chess set.  Isn't that wolf on the left awesome?!  I chatted with the gals that created it, and they gave me some pointers on needle felting.  I picked up the kit for making those adorable mushrooms on the right- can't wait to get started!!

This was pretty cool- "knitted glass" sculpture.  The artist told me that it begins with knitting wax in order to create a mold and then poring the glass- lovely, no?!

One of the highlights for me was meeting Vicki Howell in person!  She was super nice and cheerful, and taught me how to "arm knit" which was a lot of fun and quite a challenge to my coordination!  In fact, I just finished a lovely shell-stitch scarf with her robin's egg blue yarn- I'll show it to you soon!

Mr. Mersy is still under the weather, so today I will take good care of him and cook him lots and lots of yummy stuff!

