Pompom Magnets and Butterflies on the Fridge

There's a lot of yarn around here, and the new Mersydotes nest needs all the color it can get.  So, putting these facts together, we recently made some pompom magnets for our fridge.

The colors are great on their own, but I think they look even better when they're paired with Mama Mersydotes's butterfly photos:
These pictures remind me of so many happy family memories: walking through alpine meadows, summertime prairies, and sun-drenched bayous.  I am so amazed at how talented Mama Mersydotes is, and every time I see these photos in our kitchen, I remember that the world is an amazing place and that we won't be stuck in the concrete jungle forever!

Gorgeous, no?!  Just a little touch of brightness!


  1. Mersy, I have those same butterfly pics!!! They are saved away in my treasure box :D


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