Of Nature's Bounty and Rain Showers

Late last night just as dusk was comfortably settling over town, Mr. Mersydotes, Mama Mersydotes, Papa Mersydotes and I went out to the garden to see how our country estate was doing.  I suppose you could say it's doing ok, but the weeds are nearly impossible to beat this year, and what with the almost constant rain and scorching temperatures, not too much is growing.  Most of the tomato plants throughout all the gardens are yellowed and spindly, and not too much is going on with gourds this year.  Yikes!  Me thinks next year might a container-only summer!  It was nice, though, pulling weeds as a family as the dusk settled over us, filling up a wheelbarrow first with weeds and then with onions to take home.  Thanks everybody for helping in the garden!

But...that doesn't mean we weren't able to harvest a bit of nature's bounty after all.  The onions are very happy in this weather, and are growing quite big!

There were also some flame-red Thai chilies that were ready for the picking (woooo-hoooo!  Stir-fry time!)

And we were even able to dig up a few of the petit Parisian carrots.

Hopefully, the deer will leave our tomato plants alone so that we can harvest some cherry tomatoes by next week.  The only plant that is happy is the tomatillo giant- it is growing like crazy!

We gave the plot a good watering before we left yesterday, and wouldn't you know it- it rained all night!  Oh well, the summer can be both glorious and brutal- I suppose that's part of the fun!

Happy harvesting,

P.S. Those chilies pack a whollop!
