
Showing posts from November, 2014

Frosty Cupcakes, Dinky Donuts, & Cranberry Fudge

Image's a frosty day here, back home in Illinois.  The doggies are stretched out in the sunshine while the birds are puffed up and keeping all their body heat under their feathers, outside in the branches. I saw a black capped chickadee this morning, and yesterday I watched a cardinal and his lady love watching over us. Mr. Mersy arrives in just one more day, and yesterday Mamma Mersy baked a whole bunch of glee cupcakes. Yellow cake with chocolate, and chocolate cake with vanilla. A whole forest of winter pastries. And Papa Mersy and I tried out a mini donut recipe the other day. With lemon zest and lemony glaze.  Ever since Mr. Mersy and I honeymooned in Sonoma, I've wanted to make mini donuts. One afternoon in Sanoma's farmers market, we watched a man with a little contraption that floated and flipped tiny donuts down a river of oil. We were mesmerized, but they weren't gluten free, so we couldn't have a taste. But now we can!

The Mersys Go to MOMA and Visit Lautrec's Ladies

Hello lovely peeps!  Although the Thanksgiving blogfest isn't over yet (the best is yet to come on Thanksgiving Day!), I just wanted to share an awesome evening out that Mr. Mersy and I had last week.  We were fortunate that Mr. Mersy's work allows us to visit some of the Manhattan museums for free, and we were psyched to go and visit MOMA on its late-night, autumn open house.  There were musicians, cocktails, not too many people, and six floors of "art" for us to explore. Honestly, the first three floors didn't grab us.  It seemed like the museum had cleared out the garages of a whole bunch of repressed, depressed, angry people and stuffed there "stuff" into galleries.   So, we continued onward to the fourth floor, and things started to look up.  In fact, beginning on the fourth floor, some of what we saw could even be considered art: And then, we got to the fifth and sixth floor, and our minds were officially blown!  Thank heavens (I h

Thanksgiving Blog Fest Part 5!!!

If I had a motto, it might be "Let's rock on and be fantastic!" so  the Good Moments Blog Fest continues!  Today we're peeking into a sunny summer Sunday captured by Aunty L. in Michigan: Pretty scrumptious, right?!  Aunty L. had a day that was: Thank you for sharing, and be sure to keep an eye out for all those good moments that are whizzing by, ~Mersydotes

Thanksgiving Blog Fest Part 4!!!

Today's moments were captured by Cousin J. on a day that she remembers as: Let's take a peak into the everyday beauty that made this day oh-so-normal yet oh-so-special at the same time! There's so much here to be grateful for- good food, furry companionship, sunny days, and giraffes.  Fabulous! Love you lots, Cousin J.! ~Mersydotes