
Showing posts from April, 2017

Something New in the Spring

Last night, Mr. Mersy came home to find the kitchen table, ironing board, and bed completely covered with various bits and bobs of crochet and knitting.  Yarn was tangled up everywhere, amigurumi chickens and mice peeked out from every corner, and the number of doilies strewn around was pretty shocking.  But he didn't bat an eye- his yarn tolerance is incredible! All this mess was part of preparing for a flea market tomorrow morning where, for the first time ever, I'll be selling some of my creations.  I'm not sure that New Jersey needs stuffed chickens or hanging ornaments in the shape of watermelon wedges, but I might just be pleasantly surprised!   Best case scenario: I sell everything I've ever made and my fascination with yarn becomes a profitable enterprise rather than just a relaxing pastime.  Worst case scenario: I don't sell a thing and someone insults my doilies.  Personally, I'm hoping for something in the middle- if I can just recoup