
Showing posts from July, 2016

A Wee Granny Square Blanket

Hooray!  What a snuggly, bright, and cheerful little baby blanket!  I wish I was wee enough to be wrapped up in it, but, unfortunately, I am much too big, and that pleasure will have to be for the tiny one it is destined for. Stitching this blanket was so fun- lots of colorful granny squares to arrange.  Most them I stitched while commuting to work on the train, listening to Around the World in Eighty Days on Librivox audio book, lost in the yarn, stitch by stitch, while all the chaos and noise flew by. The yarn I used is the new Isaac Mizrahi line from Michael's- a wool blend with a nice texture and lovely bright colors that are just pastel enough to seem festive rather than brash. I have high hopes for the blanket.  My wish is that the little one wrapped up in it only has the sweetest of dreams and the most peaceful sleep.  I hope that it keeps her warm and cozy and safe and snug. Lots of love, ~Mersydotes

Crochet Heart Door Hangers & Scented Yarn!

Several months ago I was fortunate enough to receive a gorgeous new phone as a gift.  It takes the most wonderful photos and does the most amazing things!  When I transferred from my old phone to the new one, however, it turns out that I left behind photos for a blog post that I had been planning.  Happily, I've just rediscovered these photos and wanted to share them with you. Have you discovered scented yarn?  It's a real thing!  And it's not gross!  Lily's Sugar'n Cream has come out with an entire line of scented yarns, and seeing as I love their cotton (organic, American-grown, pretty colors), I thought I'd do a bit of experimenting with scented crocheting. Normally I'm pretty sensitive to scents, so I was wary of being overwhelmed, but I thought this yarn was delightful!  I've absolutely fallen for the lavender yarn, and the rose one was really pleasant too- just tiny hints of fresh, herbal scents as you stitch.  The only one that I am on

O Canada! The Mersys Escape to Quebec

Two weeks ago on a Thursday evening, Mr. Mersy came home and said he had Friday and Monday off of work.  It seemed like too good of an opportunity to miss for an impromptu summer vacation.  Where to go for a long weekend?  How about Canada?!  We thought it might be nice to escape NYC over the 4th of July and head somewhere nice and quiet.  So we hopped into the car on Friday morning, tossed a suitcase in the trunk, snuggled Penny in her bed in the back seat, and drove 6 hours north till we crossed the St. Laurence and reached Montreal.  Little did we know that we'd arrived not only on Canada Day, but also smack dab in the middle of the Montreal International Jazz Festival and the Quebec City summer fest- it was a hopping place indeed! Montreal In Montreal there were museums and botanic gardens and fireworks and street art galore. Quebec City In Quebec City we sunned ourselves in parks, on outdoor terra