We Be Jamin'!

I'm always on the look-out for fascinating books that will help us on our journey towards "self-sufficiency with a flair", and I have discovered a new one: Canning for a New Generation.  Every recipe looks fantastic, and many of them have a bit of an unexpected twist- like this one: strawberry lavender jam. 

The author also makes canning very straightforward without requiring all sorts of unnecessary extravagant equipment.  Just you, your pots, the stove, and some yummy ingredients.

Even though it's not the season for strawberries, and my own little strawberry plant is just getting back on its feet (more about its amazing comeback later!), the local grocery was selling strawberries for a buck a pound, and even though they looked pretty sorry, I thought they could still do well as jam. 

They got washed, cooked, sugared, and herbed with the special dried lavender that my parents gave to me. It has been so exciting learning to cook with lavender as a spice.  I've also used it in lemonade and it was absolutely scrumptious!

It was neat how this recipe had you thicken the strawberry juice (which smelled amazing!) without overcooking the berries.

So three pounds of strawberries, some sugar, and a lemon later, Mr. Mersydotes and I are enjoying lavender scented strawberry jam.  Self-sufficiency with a bit of flair!

I'll let the jars rest for a few days and then try it out on some crusty bread- can't wait!
