Good Reads

I've recently finished three books that have made my heart happy.  I would recommend them to anyone who is looking for a good read that makes them feel in awe of life and part of the world around them. 

The first is Alex and Me by Irene Pepperberg.  In an early college psycholinguistics course, I had briefly heard the professor mention the amazing linguistic capacities of African Grey parrots, but I had never realized that these gorgeous animals have such complex emotions that they can learn to express to us humans through the use of language.  It was a revelation to read about how this creature was able to express his humor, worries, happiness, and wants.  Even I, who have always loved and respected animals as fellow creatures, paused to reflect on what this implies for us as humans.  Now that we know how much lives in animals' hearts and minds, we have a duty to be kind and loving.  An amazing book!  I wonder what Penny wants to express?

After finishing up Alex and Me, I was so enthralled with the intellectual capacities of African Greys, that I read another biography called Conversations with Cosmo by Betty Jean Craige about an African Grey that lived in a home and learned all of her language naturally.  It was one of the funniest, most amazing things I've ever read!  The little bird is so full of personality!  Mr. Mersydotes and I have even adopted one of her phrases, "that's barky-bark!", and now we use it whenever we mean, "that's great!"

Finally, I have just finished my all-time favorite book ever: The Seasons on Henry's Farm by Terra Brockman.  I feel like in chronicling a single year and all its vicissitudes, this book actually chronicles all of life.  The joy, sweat, the tears, everything is wrapped up in the cycling seasons and humans and plants and animals are described so beautifully and mindfully.  Now that I've finished the book, I think I'll start right back at the beginning and read it all over again!
Hope these ideas bring you lots of reading joy!

(P.S. The images of Alex and Me and The Seasons on Henry's Farm are from
