Crochet Mandala

You know those theories of institutional innovation where they label people as "early adopters", "late adopters", or the oh-so-flattering "laggards"?  Well, I think I might be a bit of a late adopter if not a downright laggard when it comes to international crochet-alongs, but boy am I glad I finally hopped on the bandwagon!  

Lucy from the absolutely lovely Attic24 blog had an amazing idea last year, and invited crocheters from all over the globe to contribute bunting for the Yarndale festival in her hometown.  I thought the idea was very exciting, and even kind of mentally planned out my design, but I wasn't sure how these kinds of things worked, and I was just a bit too shy to send my own triangles across the pond.  Oh, I wish I had, though!  Here is a photo from Lucy's blog of the final bunting installation- isn't it magnificent!

I was just blown away by how a local festival had been able to bring together ladies from around the world- just like the blogosphere.  So when Lucy introduced this year's Yarndale theme, I knew I had to join in. This year, there will be an installation of crochet mandalas, and I can only imagine how magnificent it will be!  

So I chose my pattern (one of Wink's published in Simply Crochet- I love her mandala patterns), and I chose my colors.  Seems like I make everything out of blue and white cotton, but that's ok with me! 

But after I finished, according to Lucy's instructions, I had to stiffen it with glue.  Never had I put glue on my crochet work, and I felt super nervous/guilty about smearing Mod Podge all over the back of my tiny treasure.

But hey- it totally worked with no harm done to the front!  

And now the little Mersydotes mandala is off to England where it will join hundreds of others to celebrate this fantastic craft community of ours!  It feels soooo exciting- I have little butterflies every time I think of how it will look when they are all together- riotously joyful, I'm sure!

In other news, this has been a super yummy week for us Mersys.  I received a very generous gift of an 18 pound watermelon, and it was without a doubt the sweetest watermelon I've ever had.  I cut it up at work throughout the week, and my colleagues and I enjoyed its cooling powers while the temperatures on the streets of Bed Stuy hit 90.

Don't worry- Mr. Mersy wasn't left out of the yumminess!  Here at home, we made a gluten free coconut cake- delish!  There was sweetened dried coconut in the batter along with coconut extract, and the icing had coconut extract stirred in and some unsweetened dried coconut sprinkled on top.  It has satiated our collective sweet tooth all week.

Have a very happy 4th of July everyone!
Lots of love,
