Carolina Spring Blooms

Guess where we are this weekend?  In the Carolina Piedmont, and it seems like the whole world is in bloom.  We went for a walk this morning in the arm breeze, and my lovely sister-in-law taught me the names of all the flowering southern trees and shrubs.  Let me share with you what I learned...

 This is a vibrant fuchsia azalea bush...
 ...and here is a pink dogwood.
 Not sure what this one is, but it sure is lovely!!
 Although not in bloom, I had to take a picture of the enormous magnolia tree on the corner.  In the stillness of a humid southern summer, the scent of the enormous while magnolias creates a heady, overwhelming scent that seems to transport you out of this world to somewhere still and mysterious.

These come from a white dogwood tree.  All over the neighborhood, these are in full glory- as if it's snowing petals!
And here is the lone iris next to the driveway.  It's the very first one to unfurl and greet the sun.

Thanks for coming along on my botanical neighborhood walk!
