Heart Yarn Bombing, the Mersydotes Way

If this post were an epic rap song ballad, it would be called "My Heart in a Jar: A Love Song to New York".  

I don't love New York City- far from it, but the best way I can fight back against all the yuckiness of this town is to cover it in tiny pink crocheted hearts- hahahahahahaha!!!!!!  Take that, NYC!!!!!!!

So, in the spirit of tough love, I've decided to take part in the Second Annual Sheepish Yarnbomb sponsered by Meredith of One Sheepish Girl.  Here are a few inspirational photos from her gorgeous blog:


This is the most gorgeous, happy blog- if you haven't visited yet, I highly recommend it!  I used the crochet pattern that Meredeth linked to, but found that the original chain 3 at the end worked just fine for me.  I've been busily stitching hearts, and I'm all set for the yarnbomb weekend!  You should join in too!

I've been practicing dropping little heart bombs along the metro lines that I take to and from work.  It's sooo exciting!  Like I'm a happiness fairy, discretely spreading cheer.  Where will my little hearts end up?  In the slush of the street or on someone's fridge?  Will they make at least one person smile?  Then, it's totally worth it!  They are all made with little bits of leftover cotton yarn, a wee bit of washi tape, and well wishes to my fellow commuters:

In such an anonymous environment as the metro train, I like to think that leaving a  little heart yarn bomb on my seat when I get of the train makes other folks remember that there are some good vibes and nice peeps out there in the city who wish them well.  

Have a good day, NYC!  

Whether you like it or not, I wish you well!
