Bobbles & Bangles

Howdy peeps!  As preparations for THE BIG SECRET PROJECT continue, I thought I'd share one of the many things that are being created. 

Last year I had made some beaded bangles in deep plums and mauves for fall and winter, and I enjoyed wearing them to work because, being crocheted with mercerized cotton, they were silent bangles that didn't rattle and tinkle as I worked. Excellently unobtrusive! 

But for the summer, lighter-hearted colors were needed, so pastel pink and white cotton with riotously colored beads were the way to go.  I used size 3 cotton and a C crochet hook, and its really quite easy if you remember a few little things: (1) crochet over your original starting end as you go, otherwise it will be nearly impossible to weave it in; (2) string the beads onto the thread before you begin crocheting; (3) join each bead to the bracelet by sliding down and then making a single slip stitch; and finally (4) when you are finished, knot the loose end and then stuff it into one of the beads so that it is invisible ; )

Walking around with these on my wrist makes me smile- like I'm wearing bubblegum bracelets!  I'll keep three for myself and then use all the others for THE BIG SECRET PROJECT.

Thanks for readin'!

