Trying to Grow: Classes through Skill Share

Do you every worry about standing still?  Stopping growing and thinking and discovering and wondering?  I think about that sometimes when I feel like I've gotten too stuck in my familiar day-to-day patterns.  Sometimes I want to bust out.  So I'm trying to challenge myself a bit more these days.

About a month ago, I took advantage of an special offer from a blog that I read for a 3-month subscription to Skill Share for just 99 cents.  I'm not usually the technologically adventurous type, but I was really intrigued by their cooking tutorials from around the world.  And I have to say, it's been really fascinating.

I started with chopping veggies.  The chef who taught the class took me through dicing, mincing, and julienne for onions, peppers, garlic, etc.

Needless to say, we had stir fry and veggie burgers with rice that night- had to put all those chopped veggies to good use!

There was another awesome and incredibly informative class by two chefs talking about the general patterns of cooking a meal, but my favorite classes so far have been the ones focussed on Indian cooking.  

The first time I ever made masala chai it nearly knocked Mr. Mersy's and my socks off.  It was so strong I think it warded off the common cold all winter!  Finally, with these classes though, I am now making a really tasty masala chai, pakoras, chana masala, etc.

There are lots of other classes that I've enjoyed, too, like jam making (tasted like Christmas!), Greek ratatouille (awesome!), and some that I'm looking forward to like the gluten-free baking classes.  I'll let you know how those go.

What new skills have you been learning recently to keep yourself from standing still- any suggestions?  Let me know!
Lots of love,
