A Snuggly Puppy & Spring in Central Park

About three weeks ago, little Penny went through a tough time, health-wise.  She wasn't feeling very good, and we were worried that her 9 years were catching up to her.  She pulled through like a champ, though, and she is back to her normal routines, including cuddling up wherever the morning sun might shine.  I'm glad that we've had more sunny days recently so she could enjoy the warmth on her tummy and recuperate in comfort.  She is an amazing creature.

 Although the weather hasn't warmed up much (we had warmer days in December!), there are still signs of spring throughout the city, and we've been chomping at the bit to get out in the natural world.  Outside, the super has planted two lonely little hostas in the entry way flower patches, and inside, our herb box is adding flavor to our suppers.  Thank you, oregano!

To celebrate our anniversary, Mr. Mersy and I went bicycle riding last weekend in Central Park.  We picked the perfect day- cool but sunny, light clouds but no sprinkles.  We had been hoping for a tandem bike, but other romantic couples had already rented them, so we set out on individual bikes instead.  The park looked so different as we cruised by- it was people watching to the max!  All the families picnicking and lounging on the laws, folks walking their dogs, other bicyclists and joggers, and lots of horsies pulling carriages.  We came upon people meditating on the sidewalk surrounded by chalk hearts, pigeon-bedecked statues, and even a mime.  What a day!

With the beginning of a new season and our third year here in the city, we've also been feeling a bit braver about being ourselves in the midst of this urban ocean.  One of the things that was really "us" back in in Illinois was dancing.  We belonged to a group of casual ballroom dancers, and on Saturday evenings, we'd drive out to a place in the silent, dark corn fields where folks of every age would come and dance the night away.  It was a friendly crowd, and one of the dancers would bring fresh eggs each week for purchase.  Ballroom dancing and egg shopping, all in one!

We've missed dancing terribly since we moved here, but decided that we're now brave enough to participate in the Manhattan dancing scene.  It wasn't nearly as intimidating as we imagined, and the people were mostly nice.  Most importantly, we had a wonderful time, and Mr. Mersy and I laughed and smiled as he twirled me around the floor: waltzes, swings, rhumbas, foxtrots.  It was wonderful!

How does spring look in your area?  And what sorts of things are you feeling brave enough to try?  Let me know!
Lots of love,
