Uplifting Experiences

Over the past few weekends, Mr. Mersy and I have been fortunate in many ways.  We've enjoyed time together, volunteered in our community, enjoyed warm, sunny weather, and had time to catch up with family and friends.  We have been fortunate indeed!

This past Sunday we celebrated Palm Sunday at our neighborhood church, with the sun shining brightly and the stained glass gloriously illuminated.  I just couldn't resist taking some photos to share  the jewel colors with you.  To think that this effect has been created for thousands of years, transporting visitors out of the grit and noise of the everyday.

On another sunny Sunday, we were also invited to attend the 30th Annual English Handbell Festival at Riverside Church next to the Hudson on Columbia's campus, Manhattan.  Wow, we had no idea that the concert was taking place in a cathedral!

Isn't that sunshine on the facade gorgeous?!

The church is situated on a bluff above the Hudson River, and the entire area is filled with open green parks, fresh air, and sunshine.  Such a perfect oasis!

Our friends played beautifully in the bell choir.  Every piece was haunting and mystical.  Paired with the astounding surroundings, we were again transported by the music and the light.

Music and light...


  1. I'm so glad that you could make it! It was wonderful to have a familiar set of faces to play for.

  2. That is beautiful!!!!! WOW!!!


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