Moonshine & Hexagon Crochet

Sometimes it gets cold here in the city.  The wind comes off the ocean and bites you while you hurry to shelter in the metro tunnels.  You're grateful for the warm air you'd usually avoid breathing at all costs.  All around you is a sea of grey and black coats, and faces you'll never recognize.  

The nights have a yellow-tinged, street-lamp glow to them that seems even colder.  In Illinois, the moon would shine so brightly when it was full that I'd have trouble sleeping until I pretended its light was a blanket I could wrap around me.  Here, I lay awake at night, trying to pretend the streetlamp outside is really moonshine seeping through our blinds.  Usually, it doesn't work, but every so often, I can pretend.

Sometimes there's no hot water in our apartment; sometimes the pipes just hiss and gurgle, and there's no water at all.  

And sometimes the super turns off the radiators for reasons know only to him.  But I'm so grateful to have a warm, safe place to come home to.  A place where we aren't anonymous anymore.  

A place no one else but Mr. Mersy and I can call home.  We are protected here, and we can dance.  

So it has become our mission to make this spot as filled with moonshine as possible.  To be a devil-may-care splash of color upon the sea of unflinching grey.

This weekend, I furiously crocheted hexagons as if I could wave away all the coldness and greyness and anonymity with my little hook and a few bucks worth of cotton.  

Wish it had worked ; )

But at least now we have a puddle of color that will soon be our new bathroom rug.

I hope there is much moon in your shine this week.
