Grandma's Lists

When I originally pitched the idea of the Good Moments Blog Festival to my family, Grandma was really interested in participating.  But when she found out that it involved taking pictures, she wasn't so sure.  She was concerned that the things she was grateful for were too banal to be photographed- running water, her telephone, light switches, her bed.  I reassured her, but she decided instead to write a list of all the wonderful, everyday moments for which she is grateful.  I hope that all my cousins read this list with a sense of wonder and love.

Things that Make me Happy & Grateful

by Grandma Mersy

  1. Seeing my 8 children and 8 grandchildren.
  2. Hearing their voices over the telephone and hearing from my friends and other family.
  3. Going to church to worship and to have time for being with all the other people there in Sunday School, etc.
  4. Having my children's dogs always greet me with enthusiasm & glad to see me.
  5. Going to the mailbox and receiving a card or letter from a loved one or friend.
  6. Receigin a special drawing from my young loved ones- drawn as a gift to me.
  7. Having received a special gift of a framed note with 80 reasons (on my 80th birthday) as why my family loves me (a special, special surprise).
  8. Opening the front door- or when on a walk- and hearing the birds chirping and when I talk to them they are quite and when I finish speaking they chirp back at me.  We can keep this going for some time!
  9. Opening the door to my condo after being out and coming home tired!
  10. Resting in my chair and reading a good book or playing games or doing jigsaw puzzles on the iPad my children gave me.  The chair was also given to me by my children.
  11. Going to bed in a special bed given o me by my children for my night of rest.
  12. Before going to bed, spending time in my chair in devotion-it is a very special time for me-and also before getting up in a.m. having a prayer of thankfulness.
  13. The special thoughtfulness of my children in preparing & sharing their home cooked meals.
  14. Times spent together with any of my loved ones.
  15. Seeding my loved ones when they are happy.
  16. Riding with loved ones on short or long trips and watching the beauty of the world going by.
  17. The wonderful fact that when it gets dark I can turn on lights, when it is cold I can turn on heat, when it is hot I can turn on cooling.
  18. When I look in the refrigerator or pantry I can find something to eat & drink, usually.
  19. The fact that I have a bathroom (part of my life, I didn't have one).
  20. The wonderful fact that I have my eyesight & I can still get up (some difficulty) and walk and drive.
  21. I am so happy that each of my 8 children are doing well and are very intelligent people (due to their father).
  22. I am happy when my condo is clean- I am happy when my clothes have been washed & dried and did not have to be hung on a line outdoors.
  23. I am happy to have nice doctors.
  24. I am happy to have the transportation of my car.
  25. I am happy to have an excellent library to go to get books & DVDs.
  26. I am happy to have a radio that I only listen to when I cannot go to church.  (Our church broadcasts one of the 4 services at 11 a.m. on Sundays)
  27. I am happy to have a Lifeline to wear in case of an emergency.
  28. I am happy to have a local newspaper delivered 3 times a week.
  29. I am happy to have pictures of my loved ones to look at.
  30. I am happy to have a special memory book made up for my from my children.
  31. I am happy when I hear anyone laugh!
  32. I am happy when a friend or loved one is feeling well after being ill.
  33. Seeing smiles on children's faces that are smiling back to me- (strangers & loved ones)
  34. I am happy when I can be of help to anyone.
  35. I am happy with any gift made especially for me- or bought for me.
  36. I am happy to have good neighbors.

Things I am Happy to Have

by Grandma Mersy
  1. Telephone & cell phone
  2. Furnace
  3. Air Conditioner
  4. Running Water
  5. Bathroom
  6. Washer & Dryer
  7. Water Heater
  8. Condo
  9. Car
  10. Reclining Chair
  11. Television
  12. Shoes & Clothes
  13. Food in pantry and refrigerator
  14. Eyeglasses to help me see
  15. Refrigerator
  16. Small necessary things (safety pins, pens, pencils, paper, bobby pins, combs, brushes, toothbrush, and floss)
  17. A clock & a watch
  18. Stove
  19. Towels & wash cloths
  20. A comfortable chair
  21. A comfortable bed
  22. Microwave
I will keep these lists for ever, and ever!
All my love to you, Grandma!


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