Crocheting for the Fall- Yarndale & Wedding

There's been so much crocheting going on over here as of late, but I've shared so little of it on the blog.  I'm not sure why...  But I thought I'd share a few photos of exciting crochet that's in the works for late September and early October.

I've already written a little bit about the Yarndale festival that I sent my blue and white mandala to a while back.  I'm very curious to know how they'll all be displayed together- it'll be colorful and fantastic, for sure!  Lucy just posted some photos of all the submissions piled together, and they're kind of fantastic already!  Here's her photo from Attic24- somewhere in there, is my little creation:

Participating in something like this crochet festival at first made me a little nervous, not sure why.  But I'm so glad that I did!  Imagine my surprise when, two weeks ago, I was sitting on a beach in Montauk while Mr. Mersy was swimming and Penny was frolicking in the sand, and I opened up Simply Crochet magazine and saw this article about the mandalas for the Yarndale festival- Yay!

Also coming up in the fall is our friends' wedding- M & J are tying the knot in October here in NYC! M is a very talented knitter and a kindred spirit when it comes to all things.  I was so honored when she asked me to participate in the wedding by crocheting some of the flowers for her bouquet and the men's boutonnieres.  

She picked out a shiny mercerized cotton, and I've been crocheting away ever since.  So far, I've finished about a dozen little May roses (pattern here).  It's what's been keeping me company on my epic commutes, and I am very grateful for the distraction from the G train.

More good projects are in the works for the fall.  In fact, Mr. Mersy just picked out wool for a winter sweater, so I'd better get stitchin'!

Lots of love,
