Crochet Update

Good morning!  The sun is bright and shiny here, and Penny and I are basking in the rays as I write this post!

With so much going on as far as cooking and traveling over the past few weeks, I haven't had much chance to write about what's going on with crochet.  So, it's time to get back to Mersydotes's roots and talk about crochet!

Here's what I've been up to:

First, I quickly whipped up a sachet following Lucy's instructions from Attic 24 (click here):

It's filled with dried lavender and smells absolutely fantastic!  I'll take it into work today and hang it over my desk so I can smell the clean scent of summer while I work.

Also, I've decided to begin another blanket (the first one will be revealed soon- it just needs a finishing touch!).  I'm not much of one for lots of colors all together- I prefer different shades of one color, so for this blanket, I'm doing 5-round granny squares in aqua and sea foam colors.  The combination is great, and the squares go really quickly!

During vacation, I also nearly finished a set of wrist warmers from Sweet Living.  The pattern is so pretty, and the yarn is a merino blend, so they're super soft.  Can't wait for them to be done!  I think they'll be ready tonight, so I'll show you soon!

More updates to come!  Have a great day!
