Christmas 2012

We've been gone on vacation, but just arrived back yesterday, and I've got so much to post about! First, before vacation pics, here are a few snapshots of Christmas 2012- enjoy!

A beautiful and artsy Christmas card from an auntie:

We didn't do a Christmas tree this year, but instead made our snowflakes and hearts out of air-dry clay and hung them on our evergreen rosemary bush!

Of course we brought out the nativity! Everyone excitedly waiting for the baby Jesus:

The wise men (technically, they arrive this weekend, but I took some artistic liberty!):

Here he is!

Snowman ornaments on an auntie's Christmas tree:

White poinsettias:

Pralined almonds in festive cupcake holders (absolutely delicious!):

Putting together treat boxes for family and friends:

What a fabulous holiday- and a very happy new year to all!
