Tunisian Crochet Challenge

At the last yarn night, my knitting buddies and I drank wine, taught our husbands how to chain stitch, laughed, whined, ate Thai food, crocheted, and also make a resolution.  We decided that before our next meeting, each one of use would learn a new technique that was just a bit intimidating.  No complacent crocheters or knitters for us!

I decided that I definitely needed to branch out and try Tunisian crochet.  It's that perfect bridge between crocheting and knitting, kind of like knitting sideways.  Plus, you get to use a huge hook!

Turns out, there's nothin' to it ; )  So far, I've just been doing the Tunisian Simple Stitch, but there's also the Tunisian knit and purl to be used in combination for amazing textured fabrics.  What I'm working on at the moment will be a big, squishy pillow with pompoms all along the edges.  I just need to pick up a few more skeins of pink and white.

Are you feeling brave and ready for a new technique?  What yarny challenge will you explore next?
Have fun!
