Bits and Pieces of a Rainy Month

All we've had in May so far is cold, drizzly rain.  Looking out the windows, all I see is people wearing stocking caps and scarves scuttling along the grey sidewalks- in May!  How will my tomatoes survive this drought of sunlight? Shouldn't we have gotten this out of the way with all that "April showers" jazz?  There's been a lot of indoors time recently for me and Penny, but at least it's been warm and colorful.  It helps when you're a pint-sized furry mammal who can luxuriate anywhere and everywhere : )

I shouldn't complain too much, though, because we did have one gorgeous day last Saturday.  Walking after brunch with friends through Central Park, everything felt right in the world.  Too warm for a jacket, the sun on our faces, families out in droves to enjoy the newly opened public lawns- it was lovely!

In March I was out of town for a few weeks, and when I came back to NYC, the city had taken its revenge: all of the copies of The New Yorker that I had fallen behind on were sitting in a daunting pile on the coffee table:

I'm doing my best to work my way through them-I've read 5 so far, so I'm off to a good start!  But sometimes I think that, just as Cervantes wrote, I'll be driven crazy and my brain will dry up like a raisin from too much reading.  I'm afraid I'm going to have to cancel my subscription lest I wind up buried in a pile of pages...

There is one little sign of warmer days to come, however, and that is the strawberry plant:

Do you see the two wee berries just beginning to grow?  One even has a little blush of pink on it!  Being so unsure of how to care for the strawberry plant indoors where there are no pollinators and probably not nearly enough light, it's extra special to see that things are going well.

One last thing before I wish everyone a happy Friday evening: Recently I've been posting a lot of crochet tutorials on the main blog page.  Sorry about that!  They are really supposed to belong to the new Learn to Crochet page, but I can't figure out how to post them only there and not on the main page as well.  This blog technology mystifies me!  Well, I guess a crochet tutorial never hurt anyone!  I'll try to finish uploading all of the new crochet tutorials over the next week, so please let me know if you have any special requests for a tutorial, explanation, or pattern!

Have a wonderful, non-rainy weekend, everyone!
Lots of love,
