Let's Walk Kindly but Strongly

Would you like to walk along with me for a bit?  Why don't we stroll through the coolness of the morning as I make my way to work.  It will do us a bit of good to quietly enjoy the new day...

...especially because an insane driver from Flushing just chased me, honking, and screaming while I looked for a parking space.  Whew!  I tell 'ya, sometimes I wish I was an undercover cop- that'd teach them!

But the morning is bright, and the flowers in the tiny strips of city gardens are opening up for the day.  All the pre-war buildings are slowly crumbling in the most diverse, most animated, most densely populated part of the most intense city in the world.

And I am just a little, tiny piece of it.  But that doesn't mean that anybody gets to push me around.  That nasty driver had no idea who was in the car in front of him.  He didn't know a thing about me.  I'd like to invite him to look me in the eye and treat me the way they treated me when sitting safely locked in his car.  Ten to one, he wouldn't have the guts.  Because it's only when we make contact that people become real.

So let's walk kindly, but strongly into the day.
Lots of love,
