At Last! The Perfect Pattern!

I've been playing with this lovely yarn since last December, but I just haven't been able to find the right pattern to do it justice.  It was a bargain bin set of three skeins that I found in Brooklyn one drizzly winter afternoon, and the colors were so rich and the fiber so soft that I fell in love.  

But every time I thought I had a great pattern, I'd get half way through and rip out all the stitches and start over on something else.  It needed to be small enough for three skeins, the tension needed to be loose enough to do justice to the softness, and there had to be plenty of opportunity to switch up the colors.  

I finally found it- the perfect pattern.  Its by DROPS, and you can click here if you'd like to make your own set of wrist warmers for the in-between days of spring.  The only modifications I made were to do the wrist band in double rather than treble crochet and to add a matching edging at the end to tie in the third color and give it a more finished look.

Hope your yarn always find its perfect pattern,
