Flowers? In Queens?

Last week I wrote about the surprising number of spring tulips and daffodils that have popped up throughout our neighborhood, and I thought I'd share some pictures with you all.  Truth be told, I wasn't expecting anything like this to happen in our area of the city- the winter was so dismally gray and bitter and the streets were so dirty and barren.  But lo and behold, our borough has transformed itself into a riotous spring garden!  Such a pleasant surprise as we slowly crawl out of the deep freeze!  I guess there are parts of New York City that aren't so bad after all.

Some of our dastardly neighbors have crept out in the middle of the night and cut some of the tulips to bring indoors.  That is not allowed, people!  Don't you city folks know how to behave?!  I think the super should station snipers on the roof to shoot these sneaky flower cutters in the patootie!

As for Penny, she cuddles up in her garden of color on the couch every morning when the sun streams into the living room!

Hope your week is off to a good start,
