Eating Freshy

Hi Peeps!  Last night was Friday night, and it was a blessed relief to be done with the week.  All of the fire and vigor which drives me had worn out a bit prematurely this week, much to my chagrin.  I need to recharge my mental and spiritual batteries so that I can go back to work on Monday swinging.  I took a nice long walk in the afternoon and picked up some veggies from a produce stand.  

It was the perfect night for "salad for dinner", but since I don't like salad, my interpretation of that is a bit loose- Greek salad, potato salad, and egg salad.  Ooooh yeaaahhh!

Don't you just want to climb into the Greek salad and go swimming?  We tossed in a bit of left-over blue cheese, and mixed up a vinaigrette to sprinkle over top.  Too delish.

Gotta admit- I'm not a huge feta fan.  There was an incident a few years back with a day-old sandwich.  It was fifty percent off, and I was a grad student.  The rest is history, and needless to say, nowadays I prefer to cook with goat cheese or blue cheese.

Little red new potatoes were pretty good with butter and tarragon and a bit of salt and pepper thrown in for kicks.  Can't go wrong with butter, salt, and pepper.  Seriously- it's the perfect "spice" for everything.  Simple and darn effective.

I don't think you want to see a picture of our egg salad.  Everyone knows what egg salad looks like, and it's not a pretty sight.  But trust me, it was good.  Mr. Mersy speaks Thai, and likes to describe things as "freshy".  As in, "I feel freshy!" after getting out of the shower.  He declared that dinner last night was very "freshy", which I take as a great compliment!

Have a freshy weekend!
