Welcome October!

I woke up the other morning and realized that it was October, and the first thought that popped into my mind was, "Oh no!  How long have I wasted not knowing it was October?!"  I love this month, when just at the end of the cycle of life, everything seems to be more alive than ever before.  

The wind smells crisper, the leaves more colorful, the light more glowing, and the animals more productive as they prepare for the cold.  We've been preparing for the cold as well here in Mersydotes land- the patio plants were brought inside last night (philodendron, hibiscus, rosemary, and basil) and our microscopic apartment seems to have become a terrarium!

We're also preparing for the migratory season.  It's time to put out bird seed and see what strangers stop to recuperate at our feeders on their long journeys.

And time has finally come for simple yet luxurious comforts like warm socks and hot tea.  Here's my take on warm socks: 

Crocheted, of course!  These are soooooo cozy and warm- I think I'll probably make a thousand pairs!

And as for tea, we were lucky enough to gather enough mint from the community gardens this season (where it is actually an unwanted invader) to have a nice stock of dried leaves for the winter.  

I'd seen a neat idea online of sewing your own heart-shaped tea bags out of coffee filters and decided to give it a try:

That mint makes the most delicious tea- fragrant, subtle, but very present, especially good with a little drizzle of honey! :)

Have a lovely, October-y day!
