Biking Adventure

Hello friends!  I don't think I ever got a chance to share with you our recent biking adventure from last weekend.  The weather was crisp but sunny and very fall-ish, and we had both been bitten by the biking bug.  

We didn't feel like driving very far, so we decided to try out some local mountain biking trails.  Mountain biking?  Well, we thought that just meant biking under trees and with squirrels, but we soon discovered we were mistaken!

I can honestly say that the trails were very beautiful- we cycled through forests, prairies, around ponds, and up and down ravines.

But...the terrain was brutal!  In fact, to our shock, the trails were labeled as black diamond and double black diamond!  

Yikes!  And when you're on a professional mountain biking path, you can't turn around because you might be going against the flow of the pro bikers, and that would be quite dangerous.  So onward we went!  We had our little around-town bikes with a picnic in our baskets, and we were trying to navigate our way over boulders, fallen logs, tree stumps, roots, slippery ravine edges, and worse.  Although it literally pains me to say it, I did fall over three times- but the picnic remained unscathed (can't say the same about my knees, though!). 

Bruised and battered though we were, we did find a beautiful overlook to have our picnic- we really enjoyed getting to sit and contemplate the peace and quiet!

My creaky bones are still recovering, but I don't regret our adventure at all!  We learned that "mountain biking" trails are serious things that we're not quite cut out for, but there was a thrilling, exhilarating feeling of taking on the challenge!

