Colorful Weekend

It's really true that the extraordinary can be found even in ordinary days if you just take the time to look.  And what really struck me as extraordinary today were the colors that I stumbled across and Mr. Mersydotes and I went about our Saturday.

We started out  early at the farmer's market to choose some sweet corn for our lunch, and the local honey man was there with his pots and jars and colorful honey sticks.

Mr. Mersydotes tried an orange blossom stick, and I tried clover- subtly delicious in a way that is uniquely special to honey!

At the market and also throughout the gardens in our little town, sunflowers are bold and bright and happy, showing that the earth can be as vibrant as the heavens.

In our own garden, we dug up some of the last carrots (petit Parisians), and I was wowed by their color- just by looking at them, I know that I should eat them up and be healthy!  And when we diced them up this afternoon, they smelled so fresh and earthy- I've never met such fragrant carrots!

What amazing colors found throughout the little habitat that I call home!

Hope you have a lovely weekend,
