The Weekend

Even though it has been raining all day, this weekend has been the glorious kind of weekend where you arrive at Saturday night and think- wow! There's still a whole day left! 

Friday was a potluck evening, and I decided to try out making peanut butter acorns along with a curry stew and baked lentils.  The peanut butter balls were really fun (and also kind of gooey!) to roll out and shape by hand.  They were a mixture of peanut butter, butter, and powdered sugar- totally glee, with some special gluten-free pretzels as the "branches" sticking out from the tops.  The acorns turned out to be adorable, sugary versions of the real thing:

After dinner, we had a bonfire in our fire pit on the patio.  The night wasn't too cold, but it was amazing how much heat this little fire produced.  Making a fire, even in the back yard, felt remarkably satisfying, as if proof that we were still elemental critters of the world who could survive out in nature if we needed to. 

It was fun trying to capture the colors of the flames with the camera:

I've been enjoying the fall issue of Martha Stewart Living this weekend, and I stumbled across an article about making corn husk dolls.  It reminded me of being a little girl, and a corn husk doll that I had when I was little.  It was a little doll from the pumpkin patch where my parents and I would go to buy our pumpkins every autumn, and the husks of her dress had been dyed a rose color. I thought that she was so precious!   This afternoon, I had fun making another little corn husk doll out of the corn husks we had in the kitchen for making tamales. 

 Would you like to meet her?

Her name is Maisey (as in "Maize"-y), and I'm thinking about making her a husband named "the Colonel" (as in "the Kernel").  I'll introduce you to him when I'm all done!

Have a lovely rest of the weekend!
