The Kindness of Friends

Isn't it nice to have your faith in people restored from time to time?  To be forced to accept that humbling feeling that overwhelms you when someone does something truly kind?  That's exactly what happened recently at my knitting night. 

On Thursdays, I meet with the warmest, most joyful group of knitters and crocheters that you could ever meet- I love them dearly!  One of group had heard that my grandmother, who taught me to crochet when I was wee, was no longer living independently.  A few weeks later, my friend came to our knitting night with a gorgeous package of vintage doilies that she had been collecting, little by little, and said that she wanted me to send them to my grandmother, to brighter her days.

And wow!  Was my Grandma thrilled!  A few days later I got a call from her, and she was already planning out how to use each one to best effect.  And what makes this an even more poignant story is that just a few days later, my friend had to be hospitalized and is still not feeling well.  

I can't tell you guys how grateful I am to her, and how many wishes I am sending her for a speedy recovery.  We miss her warmth at knitting night very much.

Does anyone else have an act of kindness they'd like to share?  Let us know!
Lots of love,
