Gluten-Free Recipe: Salted Soft Caramels

It's a story as old as time- discovering the intoxication of great power only to be brutally reminded that with it comes equally great responsibility.  So it was for Mr. Mersy and I when we found this recipe for making soft caramels at home ; )  We now know we have the power to make the most delicious food on the planet, but if we want to make it to our 40s, we're going to have to exercise an amazing amount of self restraint!

I know!  Caramels!  Is there anything more intoxicatingly delicious?!  Forget about chocolate- caramels are where it's at, and it turns out that it's so easy to make them at home.  This past Christmas, I had been planning to make a flan, so I had gone out and bought some cream.  Turns out, flan doesn't call for cream- who knew?!  So we had a lovely carton of cream in the fridge, and I wasn't sure what to do with it.  Caramels were the perfect answer : )

I'm ashamed to admit it, but I didn't even use a candy thermometer.  I'm stubbornly opposed to having to buy a candy thermometer, and, for the most part, I've been just fine doing things by scent and color.  This recipe gives detailed directions about what color the sugar syrup and caramel syrup will turn as they cook, and although I aired on the side of caution with this first batch, I think I would let things turn a bit darker next time.

Mr. Mersy and I both agreed that the recipe was delicious with a  capital "D", but that it could benefit from a bit more salt.  In the future (yay! future caramels!), I think we will double or triple the amount of salt called for in the original recipe, but this time we decided to sprinkle kosher salt over the finished caramels before we wrapped them up.  Delish!

We enjoyed wrapping these up together and taking them to work to share with our colleagues and nibbling on them with absolute delight waaaayyyyy too often throughout the week!

Are you ready to make some dangerously delicious caramels yourself?!
Have fun!
