Embroidered Dragonflies and Damselflies

My freshman year of college, the very first class I ever sat in was Astronomy, and the professor was a wizened, elderly gentleman, wearing a pink sweatshirt with a crocodile on it- an expert in the birth and death of stars.  His very first words to us were that although we would be looking at the infinitely big in his class, we should never forget to look at the infinitely small, because it is in both that we find God.  I have remembered his words for years and kept them alive in my heart.  

When out and about in the world, I try to remember to be amazed and humbled by both the enormous and the miniscule.  Mama Mersys photographs of the the life cycles of insects do a beautiful job of capturing this sense of awe found in creatures too small for our naked eyes to fully see.  In her photographs, the details of the eyes and wings and hairs and veins of lepodoptera and odonata are breathtaking.  And we've been collaborating recently to celebrate those details with a little something unexpected and special: her beautiful photographs paired with my enjoyment of bits of embroidery, pops of color.

Have a lovely evening, and remember to marvel at the details of the world.
Lots of love,
