
Showing posts from November, 2015


Sometimes kindness is a frizzled, grey woman who blows into a parking lot on the edge of a cold November wind, carrying tins and baggies, feeding creatures that have no one else to look after them.  And when asked why she does it, she turns with conviction and declares: "Because it's hard out there." Let's remember that it is, indeed, "hard out there" for people too, and let's be kind to everyone we meet, at every moment. Love, ~Mersydotes

Embroidered Dragonflies and Damselflies

My freshman year of college, the very first class I ever sat in was Astronomy, and the professor was a wizened, elderly gentleman, wearing a pink sweatshirt with a crocodile on it- an expert in the birth and death of stars.  His very first words to us were that although we would be looking at the infinitely big in his class, we should never forget to look at the infinitely small, because it is in both that we find God.  I have remembered his words for years and kept them alive in my heart.   When out and about in the world, I try to remember to be amazed and humbled by both the enormous and the miniscule.  Mama Mersys photographs of the the life cycles of insects do a beautiful job of capturing this sense of awe found in creatures too small for our naked eyes to fully see.  In her photographs, the details of the eyes and wings and hairs and veins of lepodoptera and odonata are breathtaking.  And we've been collaborating recently to celebrate those details with a little somethin

The Thankfulness Tree

At the place where I work, I'm in charge of making things a bit more warm and fuzzy, and as the season of gratefulness is upon us, I thought that decorating a thankfulness tree might be a nice way of bringing the work community together.  It's turned into something really lovely:  When I was little, my mom taught me to always take a moment when life was hard or things were tough and count my blessings- the best form of mindfulness and the most uplifting form of therapy.  Would you like to see some of the blessings my office is thankful for?  I bet it will raise your spirits! At first, the tree was bare, but then everyone took a leaf and wrote down what they were thankful for and suddenly there was color! Do you have a few things to add to our thankfulness tree?  Let me know! Lots of love, ~Mersydotes

Sunburst Mirror

Right when the sun has started to slip away from us a little more each day, we have been able to capture a sunburst in the living room.  Something to lighten and brighten our nest.   The idea came from Design*Sponge, and I had a good time putting it all together- only a few burnt fingers from the hot glue! We've got to get our little place looking spiffy for the holidays- special guests are on their way! Night night, ~Mersydotes

Being Autumnal

November.  The month when I first saw this city.  The month the light changes and world becomes hushed and somnolent.  A month of in-between.   We're lighting more candles and eating foods that are preservable- apples, squashes, potatoes, beans. As the sky becomes an impassive slate and night creeps up before the day is done, our eyes have been seeking out final tidbits of color. And just in case the seasonal changes weigh too heavily on our hearts, there's a much needed opportunity to smile:  I hope that you are also being autumnal! Love always, ~Mersydotes