East Coast Holidays

It's hard to believe that the best peeps in the world, our friends M & Z, are finally out here on the East Coast with us.  It makes it feel more permanent, less like we're just biding our time in exile until we can go back to Illinois.  It helps me feel more settled, and more content with the fact that life is moving forward, growing and morphing into something real and right.

M & Z will be ensconced in a wonderful seaside bit of Connecticut where the breezes blow the dune grass sideways and houses still have ancient brick fireplaces.  We spent a beautiful afternoon at Silver Sands State Park wading in the water, watching the crabs and the gulls, hiking out to the protected heron nesting areas.  My shoulders were sunburned, my feet were muddy, my hair was wild, and I was so very happy.

And just before Labor Day weekend was upon us, we got a phone call from one of my favorite people in the world- Mr. Mersy's Aunt M.  She invited us up to Massachusetts, and we jumped at the chance.  We had our first taste of fall as we rambled up along the Connecticut highways- just little tinges of red on the trees and a coolness in the air that felt so clean.  

There are little ones in the Massachusetts clan, and they are probably the kindest, most delightful children I've ever met.  Penny licked the baby's nose while we weren't looking, and he though it was the funniest thing!  Penny also ate a bunch of charcoal from the grill and puked all over Auntie M's carpet- I didn't think that was the funniest thing.  With Penny, it can really go either way. 

On Sunday, we all took a little trip back in time through Old Sturbridge Village.  I love restored, historical villages.  It reminds me of being a kid and running around Navoo in Illinois in the summer, watching the blacksmith and the brick maker, smelling the boggy smells of the Mississippi.  Sturbridge was so charming, Mr. Mersy and I decided we'd move in if they'd let us.  He could do the cobbling and the blacksmithing, and I'd look after the chickens and milk the cows.  We'd travel by horse and live life at the pace of the seasons.  Half the fun of the visit was watching the little ones have fun and enjoying their enjoyment of the enchanted village! 

Where have these dog days of summer taken you?  Where have you wandered?  What have you wondered at?
Lots of love,
