Fruit and Meditation

Digging frantically through the kitchen jumble drawer yesterday, I re-discovered some little ceramic fruit bowls  that we brought back from our most recent trip to Thailand- how could we have forgotten about these little beauties?!!

Our plan had been to turn them into magnets, and it took me just a few minutes to do so yesterday morning with a bit of hot glue.  Aren't they delicious!  

We both have so many fond memories of the fruit in Thailand.  I for one will never forget walking down dirt roads surrounded by roosters and jackfruit hanging thick on the trees.  In fact, my Thai name is a fruit, "champoo", which means "rose apple" because I'm always rather pink in the sun : )  Mr. Mersy's name is "bird's nest"- it's a long story ; )

Mangosteen, rambutan, rose apple, jackfruit, mangoes, dragon fruit, durian, pineapple.  Our last meal on our last trip was at the night market in Ubon Rachathani, and we sat outside eating porridge with quail eggs and sipping mango-banana smoothies in the dusk.  Delicious and bitter sweet...............

