Morning Glory

The temperature has dropped nearly 20 degrees this week, and people are already mentioning the "sn**" word!  But the briskness is refreshing, and to be honest, New York City was made for the cold weather.  One of my friends says that winter is when "the city has its bowtie on", and she couldn't be more right.  Early sunsets and chilly streets make the city feel more intimate and, oddly enough, more welcoming, provided you have a warm place of your own to curl up in.

With the end of autumn approaching and with my eyes recalibrated and ready to peer at the world again, I realized that this week might be my last opportunity to photograph my favorite spot in Queens.  It's just a little spot- a few feet of sidewalk on my way to work, but it's pretty magical to me.

Every morning on my way to work I walk through this an alley of morning glories, filtering the sunshine through their petals and leaves, tumbling through the fence of an abandoned lot.  It's just so pretty!  It makes me feel elegant and peaceful, and I will miss them come wintertime.  

Are there any last bits of summer or fall that you want to capture before November?
Lots of love,
